Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pictures from the three days spent in Madrid

Madrid=fun city. they know how to party-they don't go out until 12 and bar hop until they close around 2-230 and then head to the discotecas that stay open until 4 or 6 in the morning. we met some portuguese people at a bar and hung out with them because they spoke english (pictured above)! we went bar hoping and i am pretty sure we went everywhere in madrid that first night we were out-puerta de sol, plaza mayor, plaza de santa ana y plaza angel! we slept for a good 12 hours-we had to adjust to the 6 hour difference somehow-and went out again only we stayed closer to home. and we took a shuttle back to the airport. there was no way i was lugging all of my stuff on the metro again just so that people can stare and not help me carry a rolling suitcase UP stairs. for 8 euro more, totally worth it. And mom, I had to take a picture of the Sharpi because it was just so cute! And I have seen 2 others, I think they are pretty popular here.

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